3 Essential Commuting Tips For Breastfeeding Mums

Parenting / 26 January, 2024 / My Baba

Breastfeeding is a crucial part of motherhood that saves the lives of more than 820,000 children under the age of five every year. It’s particularly important in the first few years of a child’s life, providing optimal nutrition. For this reason, mothers are doing their best to breastfeed their newborns for a year or more.

Unfortunately, countless factors can hinder a mother’s ability to breastfeed their child for over a year. Work and the constant need to travel are only some hindrances that make it challenging for mums to continue breastfeeding. To help working mothers aiming to breastfeed as long and as often as possible, here are three commuting tips to help them reach their goal.

Look for Breastfeeding-Friendly Areas

When commuting with your newborn baby, you should look for breastfeeding-friendly spaces. Call the airport ahead of time if you are travelling by plane and inquire if there are any designated breastfeeding rooms. If you are only out to shop with your child, you can look up shopping centres online with breastfeeding spaces.

Another crucial tip for commuting with a young child is to use luggage storage services, especially when you’re carrying too many things.

For example, if you are in London, you can leave some of your pumping supplies in a Euston station luggage storage before you go around and explore with your child. Shopping centres in London also have designated breastfeeding spaces for moms who do not want to breastfeed in public.

At Selfridges, the breastfeeding area even has a toilet, so parents do not have to leave the room if they need to go to the bathroom. Meanwhile, at John Lewis, there is a parents’ room next to where baby car seats are sold.

Bring Pumping Supplies With You

If you have a long commute to work, you should bring your breastfeeding pump equipment with you. Some mums travel with an electric pump motor, bottles, an electric cord, ice packs, and a cooler.

You can also bring a manual pump if you lack access to an electrical outlet. Other things you should pack include an extra shirt, a sweater for coverage, a pumping bra, and wet wipes for cleanup.

Always Plan Ahead

Always plan if you will be commuting somewhere with your newborn child. Make phone calls to inquire about breastfeeding spaces near your destination.

Take your time leaving the house, especially if you are going with your child. This way, you will not forget anything and have the time to prepare.

Travelling while breastfeeding or pumping can seem overwhelming, especially if you haven’t gotten the hang of it. By planning, you can reduce your stress and make the commute less daunting and more predictable.

That said, regardless of how much planning you do, it is still possible to have emergencies on the road. That is why mothers should remember that nursing, while stressed out, may decrease their supply, which can also hinder their goal. While aiming to breastfeed a child for over a year is an admirable goal, mothers must try to achieve this feat without sacrificing their health.

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Image by Dave Clubb on Unsplash.

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