The Danger of Self-Deception: Facing Reality for A Better Marriage

Over on Quora, I see some folks desperately trying to convince others of something that is not true. Besides the full on flat earth folks, other things people swear are true are just about as crazy.

I’ve come to realise that for the most part, these people need their lies to be true. Reality is too scary or confusing for them. The false reality they’re trying to inhabit is safer and more to their liking.

The word LIES written in vintage lead letterpress type

We do this in big and small ways in many areas of life, including our marriages. More than once I’ve met a woman after her husband had told me who she was, and realised he was lying about her. Not lying to me, but to himself. Or he might be lying to himself about the kind of husband he is. He does these things because his lies make him feel better about his marriage or himself as a husband.

The problem with this is we can’t change things if we don’t face the truth. And the lies won’t protect us from the consequences of reality.

Where are you lying to yourself about your wife, yourself, or your marriage?

Image Credit: © enterlinedesign |
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