Embracing God’s Calling: Why I Preach

This week I’m in El Paso, Texas attending a preaching workshop with the rest of the preaching team from our church. A decade ago, I could never have imagined attending such an event. It was about ten years ago, my pastor challenged me to do some sermons. I’d done a lot of teaching on marriage and sex, but preaching is a whole different skill set. 

The first few sermons I did got positive comments from folks. But I knew I was far from polished, and I assumed people were being encouraging and kind. I kept preaching, mostly to help my pastor. But as I improved my study skills and presentation, thanks in large part to my pastor, I started hearing much more positive feedback. I also had positive comments from folks I knew only compliment when they mean it. Apparently my efforts were blessing people. And that blew me away and caused some self-examination.

A man standing in a pulpit with a Bible

If God was using me in this way, then I need to be obedient. And not just do it, I needed to learn how to do it better. Which is why I’m in El Paso today.

What has God called you to do? Who has He called you to reach, teach, or bless? If you give yourself to God more fully, He may surprise you. And when He does, I suggest you embrace it and work to get better at it.

BTW, if you’ve never preached a sermon, it’s a lot of work. Done well, the process takes a good twenty hours. Your pastor is doing this, along with a lot of other things most of us never see or imagine. I have no idea how pastors do sermons week after week. So on Sunday, rather than “Good word, pastor” how about taking his hand, looking him in the eyes, and thanking him for his long hours of study and preparation. 

Image Credit: © Paul H Byerly created with stockdreams.ai
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The post Embracing God’s Calling: Why I Preach first appeared on The Generous Husband.


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