A Guide to Watering Cucumbers

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

In this article, we’ll be discussing how often to water your cucumbers. Sorry, there isn’t one simple answer. The answer will vary depending on how and where you are growing your cucumbers. We’ll go through each factor that can influence watering needs and how they affect your cucumber plants.

Young cucumber plants in the greenhouse. Leaves are beginning to yellow on the lower left of the picture.

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There is no standard amount of water that should be applied, nor is there any predictable timetable on which you should irrigate a vegetable garden. There are simply too many variables.

Neil Sperry – Lone Star Gardening

How often to water cucumber plants

When it comes to how often to water cucumber plants, the answer depends on a number of factors. 

The simple answer is to look at the seed packet or plant label for the specific variety of cucumbers that you are growing. The seed packet or plant label is your starting point. Use it as a general guideline for watering.

But really, the best way to determine how often to water your cucumbers is to check the top inch of the soil to see if it is moist, damp or dry. 

To check the soil stick your finger in the dirt up to the first knuckle. 

  • If the soil feels moist or damp, you don’t need to water
  • For dried out soil, give the cucumber plant some water

. If it’s still damp or moist in the top inch, then there is no need to water the plant.

Watering Cucumber Seedlings

When it comes to how often to water cucumbers seedlings, you want to make sure your seedling stay moist, but not waterlogged. I like to bottom water my seedlings and mist them several times a day.

Its best to water seedlings frequently. Seed starting mixes are quick draining so tender new roots don’t rot. Frequent sprinkles of water or misting will keep the seedlings from wilting, drowning or washing out of their pots. 

This may seem confusing at first or like conflicting information. But, as the plants grow, you’ll transplant them to a different soil mix and start watering deeply and less frequently. This will help the plant grow a strong root system.

When to Water Cucumbers Planted Outside

Cucumber plants planted outside, in the ground or landscape are often healthier than cucumbers planted in pots or inside. 

They develop stronger, deeper root systems that protect them from drought, pests and disease. But sun, wind, humidity, soil conditions, and heat can dry out the soil more quickly. 

Check your plants daily. Learn to read them and water when the soil surface is dry to the touch. If you’re not sure whether it needs to be watered, you can check if the first inch of soil is moist or dry. If the soil is dry and the plant is wilting, give it a drink of water. 

Be sure to water deeply and thoroughly.

When to Water Cucumbers Planted Inside

Cucumber plants that are planted inside or in the greenhouse may not need as much water as plants that are in pots outside or planted in the ground. Check the moisture in the soil the same way we describe above. 

Situations that May Require More or Less Water

Cucumbers that are planted in pots will dry out more quickly and will likely need more frequent watering than those planted in the ground.

Excessive Heat – If you live in a part of the country that experiences really high temperatures or drought like we do (Zone 8), you will need to check your plants more often and water more frequently. 

Cucumber Plant Care Quick Reference Card

The card below lists general guidelines please check your seed packet or plant label for the specific care needs of the variety of cucumbers you are growing. 

Sun ExposureFull sun
Soil TypeWell-draining soil
Soil pH6.0-7.0
WateringConsistent moisture, but not waterlogged
FertilizerBalanced fertilizer every 3-4 weeks
SupportTrellis or stakes for vining varieties
Seed Germination Temperature70-95°F (21-35°C)
Days to Germinate7-14 days
Days to Maturity50-70 days after planting
HarvestingPick cucumbers when they reach desired size, typically 2-6 inches long. Regular harvesting encourages more fruit production.

Watering Cucumbers FAQ

How often should I water my cucumber plants?

During their initial growth phase, cucumber plants need consistent moisture. It’s generally advisable to water them every 2-3 days, depending on the soil and weather conditions. Once they establish, monitor the soil moisture and adjust accordingly.

How often should I water my cucumber plants? During their initial growth phase, cucumber plants need consistent moisture. It’s generally advisable to water them every 2-3 days, depending on the soil and weather conditions. Once they establish, monitor the soil moisture and adjust accordingly.

It’s best to water cucumbers in the early morning. This allows the water to reach the roots without quick evaporation and prevents the prolonged wetness of leaves that can encourage fungal diseases.

How can I tell if I’m overwatering or underwatering my cucumbers?

If cucumber leaves turn yellow or appear wilted despite wet soil, you may be overwatering. On the other hand, if the soil is dry and the leaves are wilted, you might be underwatering.

Should I water cucumber plants at the base or overhead?

Watering at the base is ideal. Drip irrigation or soaker hoses can help deliver water directly to the roots without wetting the leaves, which can reduce the risk of fungal infections.

Do cucumber plants need more water during flowering and fruiting?

Yes, consistent moisture is crucial during flowering and fruiting. However, avoid waterlogged soil. It’s a balance between ensuring they get enough water without overdoing it.


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