Andrew Huberman’s Supplement List: A Comprehensive Guide

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How do we improve the quality of our sleep? How do we maintain our testosterone levels as we get older? How do we keep focus and attention when life can be exhausting while simultaneously pulling you in a million different directions? How do we keep our stress under control? Most people have these questions, and sorting out the good information from the bad can be challenging when searching for answers.

Many experts suggest different supplements to take, but who more to trust than Dr. Andrew Huberman? Huberman isn’t your run-of-the-mill guru; in fact, Huberman is a renowned neuroscientist with a Ph.D. in neuroscience. He completed his Postdoc in neuroscience at Stanford University and now serves as a tenured professor at the Stanford School of Medicine.

What I love about Huberman is that he backs each one of his protocols with real scientific studies, often citing them live on his podcast. That’s why I trust nobody I trust more than Andrew Huberman when it comes to building a supplement stack. I built my own stack around Huberman’s and have been implementing and testing new supplements as he suggests them. Andrew Huberman’s supplement list consists of five main categories: foundational supplements, longevity supplements, focus & cognition supplements, hormone support supplements, and finally, his famous sleep cocktail.

In the following article, I dive into each supplement Andrew Huberman takes, dosage, and brand while citing my sources. I’ve done my best to link to videos and podcasts where he discusses why he takes certain supplements.

2023 Update: This article is ever-changing. As such, we have updated most of the brands on this list to the Momentous brand. Momentous has partnered with Huberman Lab and is what Huberman currently takes for the majority of his supplements. Use code ‘brainflow’ for 15% off on the Momentous website. 

Foundational Supplements

Longevity Supplements

Focus & Cognition Supplements

Hormone Support Supplements

Sleep Supplements

Foundational Supplements

The first category of Andrew Huberman’s supplement stack is foundational supplements. Foundational supplements are designed to establish a foundation or provide insurance to ensure that you are getting everything you need to have a basic level of mental health, physical health, and opportunity for optimal performance.

These supplements help fill Huberman’s nutritional gaps, fuel his workouts, and repair and nourish his muscles afterward. In addition, he takes vitamins such as vitamin D, one of the most common vitamin deficiencies in the world.

Dr. Huberman’s Foundational Supplements Dosage & Brands

Grass-Fed Whey Protein Powder

Dr. Huberman supplements with Momentous Grass-Fed Whey Protein Powder to meet his daily protein requirements. Most studies suggest getting 0.7-1.0 grams of protein per pound of body weight. To build muscle or lose fat, consuming around 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight is recommended. The vast majority of people are not consuming enough protein on a daily basis, which is understandable as it can be challenging to get enough through food alone.

Try tracking your macros one day to see if you are getting adequate protein. If not, consider supplementing with a whey protein powder. Taking whey protein powder as soon as possible after your workout is also recommended to accelerate recovery.

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The second supplement in Andrew Huberman’s foundational supplements is creatine. Creatine is best known for bringing more water into the muscles, improving strength and performance. Additionally, acting as a fuel source for the brain, it positively impacts biological systems related to mood and hormones.

In Huberman’s podcast with Dr. Andy Galbin, Galbin describes creatine as being “by far” the best supplement for physical performance on the market, even going as far as to crown creatine as the “Michael Jordan” of supplements. It’s cheap, simple, and one of the most heavily researched supplements on the planet. Huberman supplements with 5 grams of Momentous Creatine Monohydrate daily for its neurological and physical performance benefits.

Vitamin D

Did you know that over 70% of the population has inadequate vitamin D levels? Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that your body produces naturally when exposed to sunlight. And it’s not just a vitamin; it’s also a hormone. We don’t call vitamin D ‘hormone D’ because it is essential to life; without it, we could not live. Vita means life in Latin; the more you know…

Vitamin D has many health benefits, such as optimizing bone health, immunity, and hormone conversion. In a podcast episode with Dr. Rhonda Patrick, Huberman revealed he takes 5,000 IUs of vitamin D daily, equivalent to one capsule of Momentous Vitamin D.

RELATED READING: Dr. David Sinclair’s Longevity Supplement Stack

Longevity Supplements


“Does Andrew Huberman take NMN?” This is the question everyone has been asking, and Andrew has remained quiet about whether he was taking this “miracle” anti-aging supplement made famous by Dr. David Sinclair. Well, we finally have an answer.

In a recent episode of the Joe Rogan Experience, Huberman reveals he takes 1 gram of Renue by Science NMN sublingually. According to studies, NMN has innumerable benefits to longevity and healthy aging.

NMN, short for nicotinamide mononucleotide, is a molecule that our bodies make naturally, which converts to NAD+. NAD+ regulates DNA repair, energy metabolism, gene expression, and cellular stress responses. As it naturally decreases as we age, Dr. David Sinclair of Harvard recommends supplementing with 500-1000 grams of NMN daily.

As of March 2023, the FDA has been cracking down on the sale of NMN as a dietary supplement. Many companies like Amazon have been removing NMN from their shelves. Renue by Science is a pioneer in bringing NMN to the market and still carries it on its website. Huberman takes NMN sublingually – meaning under his tongue – every single morning. Take 10% off your entire Renue by Science order by using code ‘brainflow’ at checkout.

RELATED READING: Dr. Andrew Huberman’s Fitness Protocol

Focus & Cognition Supplements

We all need a little mental boost sometimes. Huberman himself has been testing different nootropics and supplements to perfect his own supplement stack designed to enhance cognition. The following ingredients work together to improve brain function and enhance mental clarity, focus, and motivation, helping you to achieve your best cognitive performance. You can pick up Huberman’s Focus & Cognition bundle on the Momentous website at a discount by buying the bundle.

Dr. Huberman’s Focus & Cognition Supplements Dosage & Brands


When Andrew has an intense workout or work session and needs to push himself, one of his go-to supplements is Alpha-GPC. On the Tim Ferriss Show, Huberman stated that he takes Alpha-GPC around four times weekly.

Huberman said on his podcast that he takes “10 to 20 minutes prior to any time I want to focus or concentrate very deeply.” Huberman also says he will sometimes take it with yerba mate or with coffee before a workout or a bout of intense mental work.

Alpha-GPC (or alpha-glycerophosphocholine) is a chemical released when a fatty acid is broken down in soy and other plants. It increases a chemical in the brain called acetylcholine, improving cognitive function, increasing motivation, and enhancing athletes’ power output. It is believed to aid in preventing cognitive decline and support cellular membranes. It is a prescription medication for treating Alzheimer’s, strokes, and dementia.

You can pick up Dr. Huberman’s Alpha-GPC supplement on the Momentous website.

RELATED READING: Tim Ferriss’ Supplement Stack: The Complete Guide


On a podcast with Kevin Rose, Huberman disclosed that he supplements with L-tyrosine. L-tyrosine is a precursor to dopamine that Huberman occasionally uses to enhance focus and attention. It is believed to help nerve cells communicate and regulate mood. Many use it as a popular dietary supplement to improve alertness and concentration.

However, it does come with a crash, so he only uses it to meet essential deadlines and recommends not trying it when you are already sleep-deprived. Like most of the supplements on this list, Huberman relies on the Momentous brand for his tyrosine supplement.

Phenylethylamine (PEA)

PEA is a supplement that increases dopamine. It is a chemical that is found naturally in the body as well as in chocolate. Phenylethylamine is used for everything from improving athletic performance to improving mood and attention. It stimulates the body to produce the chemicals that help regulate depression and other conditions.

Andrew takes it occasionally every couple of weeks as a work aid. When combined with Alpha-GPC, Andrew says he receives a sharp increase in dopamine that lasts for around 45 minutes. PEA is hard to find, but we found it in powder form on Amazon.

RELATED READING: Dr. David Sinclair’s NMN & Resveratrol Protocol

Hormone Support Supplements

As we age, men can start to feel less like “themselves.” This can be due to dropping testosterone levels. Andrew extols the importance of maintaining healthy testosterone levels in the body. That being said, he is a big believer in ensuring proper sleep, regular exercise, a healthy diet, and the avoidance of chronic stress are all in place before seeking supplements to increase testosterone levels.

Optimizing your testosterone is critical to mental health, physical health, and performance. Huberman had been testing a variety of supplements for years until he could perfect a stack that allowed him to increase his testosterone levels naturally. Momentous also sells the Huberman Lab Hormone Support bundle (remember code ‘brainflow’ for 15% off!)

Dr. Andrew Huberman’s Testosterone Supplements Dosage & Brands

Tongkat Ali

Tongkat Ali is derived from a Southeast Asian plant where it is treated as medicinal with various uses. Studies have found that it may, along with possibly increasing levels of testosterone, increase semen volumes and sperm count. It is also believed to enhance erectile function and overall sexual performance.

Tongkat ali has been shown in several studies to promote fertility, increase free testosterone, and have an aphrodisiac effect. In addition, Tongkat Ali is a minor anti-estrogen.

In an episode of the Huberman Lab Podcast with Dr. Kyle Gillett, Huberman said that he had been taking Tongkat Ali daily for years, never cycling it, as the effects tend to improve into the second and third months.

Huberman recommends taking Tongkat Ali early in the day as it has a mild stimulant effect. Andrew uses 400mg daily as a testosterone boost over time, equivalent to two Momentous Tongkat Ali capsules.

RELATED READING: How Tim Ferriss Naturally Tripled His Testosterone

Fadogia Agrestis

Fadogia Agrestis is a plant native to Nigeria that has been used for centuries. Andrew describes Fadogia Agrestis’s use to increase testosterone as a Luteinizing Hormone mimic. Studies have shown that Fadogia increases blood testosterone concentrations. It is believed that it produces more testosterone by stimulating the testes.

Huberman has been on the record saying that by taking Tongkat Ali with Fadogia, his testosterone went from the 600s to the low 800s – which is insane. Huberman uses Momentous Fadogia Agrestis.

RELATED READING: Joe Rogan’s Insane Daily Supplement List

Zinc Picolinate

Did you know that zinc deficiency is one of the leading causes of low testosterone? Zinc is a mineral essential to our body that plays a pivotal role in bodily functions such as healing wounds and immune function. Your body does not store zinc, so you must ingest adequate amounts daily.

Sometimes, it can be hard to get enough zinc through food alone, so Dr. Huberman supplements it daily to ensure he is not jeopardizing his testosterone with a lack of zinc intake. Huberman even went as far as to say, “Zinc dosages that are pretty high of about 120mg taken twice per day… with meals can significantly increase testosterone … It seems that high levels of zinc can increase spermatogenesis and testosterone levels very significantly”. Huberman uses Momentous Zinc Picolinate, a much more bioavailable form of zinc than others on the market.

Supplements For Improving Sleep Quality

If you are having trouble with sleep and are lethargic throughout the day, there are two questions you should ask yourself:

1. Are you drinking coffee after 2 p.m.?

2. Are you eating right before bed?

You should ensure you cut off caffeine in the afternoon and stop eating two hours before bed. If you still have trouble falling asleep, it might be time to explore supplements. I quit taking prescription sleep medicine once I started taking Huberman’s sleep cocktail before bed. Click here to pick up the famous Huberman Lab Sleep Bundle.

Dr. Andrew Huberman’s Sleep Supplements Dosage & Brands

Magnesium Threonate

Magnesium Threonate, it has been said, is involved in over 600 enzymatic reactions in the human body. When it comes to sleep, it can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, slowing the heart and causing muscles to relax, thereby producing a calming effect.

Along with proper rest, it has been discovered that magnesium is critical in the activation of the nerve channels that allow for synaptic plasticity. This means that magnesium is fundamental to the processes of memory and learning. It is believed that magnesium threonate can enhance the brain’s receptors that are involved in these processes.

Magnesium threonate was developed by MIT researchers as an effective way for magnesium to cross the blood barrier. When magnesium is crossed with threonine, the researchers at MIT solved the issue of how to successfully get magnesium from the blood to the brain. Before this breakthrough, the only effective method was intravenous delivery. Huberman uses Momentous Magnesium Threonate.

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Theanine is an amino acid found in tea and is thought to increase feelings of calm by interacting with alpha brain waves. Alpha brain waves are brain waves that are associated with relaxation. Huberman has mentioned many times that he uses Momentous L-Theanine.

Theanine is believed to relax the mind without causing drowsiness by significantly increased activity in the alpha frequency band. Data indicates that its use as a dietary supplement can dramatically affect mental alertness. Beyond that, increased alpha activity plays a vital role in focusing correctly.

In a small number of cases, theanine is problematic for those with night terrors or who sleepwalk because it increases the intensity of dreams. It has also been found to have the opposite effect: it can be too stimulating for about 10% of people who try it and can keep them awake.


If you have ever had a cup of chamomile tea at night to relax, then you are familiar with apigenin’s effect. Apigenin is one of the active ingredients in chamomile and is believed to assist in sleep onset. Apigenin is the third supplement in Huberman’s sleep cocktail.

While promoting muscle relaxation and sedation, apigenin is also an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-amyloidogenic, and neuroprotective substance. It was hard to find apigenin after Huberman announced it as part of his sleep cocktail, as the few brands that sold it quickly became sold out. To fix this gap in the market, Momentous launched their apigenin product for a fraction of the price of the other brands.

RELATED READING: Dr. Andrew Huberman’s Diet: Foods, Time-Restricted Eating, & Supplements


Inositol is the fourth supplement of Dr. Huberman’s ‘sleep cocktail.’ Inositol facilitates the proper metabolism of our “feel-good” hormones, which allows for better release of certain chemicals in the brain, such as serotonin. Backed by studies, inositol has been the latest supplement proven to improve sleep.

Serotonin is a precursor to melatonin, which is why it is excellent for sleep and relaxation. Since taking inositol, Huberman has said he has noticed improved sleep. More specifically, he has seen how to sleep better through the night. Huberman takes 900mg of Momentous Inositol before bed.

RELATED READING: How Much NMN Should You Take Daily?

Tracking & Measuring Health

Andrew tests his blood twice a year to track and monitor his health. He finds that by doing this, he can adequately determine what supplements do to his body. One example is when he took Tongkat Ali and Fadogia Agretis for a testosterone boost. Before adding these supplements to his regimen, Andrew already had a baseline reading from his prior blood tests. After taking the supplements, he could adequately test their effects on his system from his next blood test.

One company that Andrew endorses for blood tests that he has specifically endorsed on his podcast is Inside Tracker. Inside Tracker was founded in 2009 by experts in biometric data, genetics, and aging. These experts come from heralded academic institutions like MIT, Harvard, and Tufts. The algorithm that drives Inside Tracker’s platform is constantly being further refined and developed. Whenever there are further cutting-edge advances in the field, Inside Tracker is known to be at the forefront of them.

Suppose you do not feel comfortable spending a decent chunk to go in and get a blood test. In that case, we highly recommend using Everlywell’s At-Home Testosterone Test, which has been endorsed by Tim Ferriss and can be purchased on Amazon for less than 50 bucks.


What is supplements does Andrew Huberman take for sleep?

Dr. Huberman’s sleep cocktail consists of 300-400mg of magnesium threonate, 200-400mg of L-theanine, 50mg of apigenin, and 900mg of inositol.

What supplements does Andrew Huberman take?

Dr. Huberman takes various supplements such as NMN, vitamin D, collagen peptides, creatine, omega-3s, Tongkat ali, fadogia agrestis, theanine, magnesium threonate, and many others. You can look at his entire list of supplements on the Momentous website.

Does Andrew Huberman take TRT?

No, Huberman does not take TRT. He has a natural testosterone level of over 800 ng/Dl, which is absurdly high.

Does Andrew Huberman drink coffee?

Huberman has stated that he drinks caffeine regularly and admits to high tolerance. In a recent podcast with Jocko Willink, Huberman said he drinks 1-2 of Jocko Go from Jocko’s supplement line. Jocko Go is a natural energy drink that contains 95mg of caffeine per can.

Does Andrew Huberman sell supplements?

Kind of. The Huberman Lab podcast is partnered with Momentous Supplements. It is unknown if he owns the company.

Does Andrew Huberman take NMN?

Yes. As of this year, Dr. Huberman began supplementing with NMN after heavily researching it.

What kind of protein powder does Andrew Huberman use?

Andrew Huberman currently uses Momentous Grass-Fed Whey protein powder to meet his daily protein goals.


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