Best Unique Small Leaf Hoya Varieties that Will Fit Everywhere

Are you faced with limited space and the undying desire to fill it with lush greenery, preferably Hoya? The challenge lies in finding plant varieties that can fit and thrive in small spaces. I have a solution for you: Small leaf Hoya varieties or Mini Hoyas!

Hoya, commonly known as wax plant, is a tropical plant originating from tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and Australia. Hoyas became extremely popular mainly for their beautiful flowers, that has unique, star-like shape.

While compiling this list, I thought of that too. Apart from a quick description of the variety, you’ll also find information about whether or not the small leaf hoya flowers or not.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at the list of my favorite small leaf hoya varieties and mini hoyas!

1. Hoya Lyi

Hoya Lyi is a small leaf hoya with oval, oblong, or elliptic leaves. This variety produces flowers in shades from fully white to pink. It can vary in size but usually stays between 1.5 to 3 inches (4-6 centimeters).

What’s an advantage of this mini hoya is that the leaves stay near the soil, so it’s ideal for small shelves or under a TV.

2. Hoya Linearis

Hoya Linearis is a hanging Hoya variety with long, grass-like foliage. This small leaf variety looks especially cool once it starts flowering. Then the whole hanging foliage transforms into a canvas full of small, white flowers.

3. Hoya Rebecca

Hoya Rebecca features small, pointy leaves with a color slowly going from green to dark red, creating a beautiful gradient. I especially like this variety for its flowers, which are usually pink and look like little cupcakes to me.

4. Hoya Lori Lyn

Hoya Lori Lyn is a small leaf or mini hoya variety of Hoya kentiana. Its unique appearance is completed by long, pointy leaves. This variety can also flower, although it’s not common. But when it does, it creates small, cherry-like flowers.

5. Hoya Davidcummingii

This Hoya variety (don’t make me repeat the name) is a pretty new discovery. It was published only recently, in 1995, and comes from the Philippines. It features small pointy leaves and attractive rose-red flowers with yellow centers.

6. Hoya Zambales

Featuring small leaves growing to all sides, this small leaf hoya is really cute. It is also not that common to see it flower, but when it does, it creates beautiful dark red flowers that create little hills as they stand out from the surface.

7. Hoya Collina

Hoya Collina features absolutely stunning leaves. Its leaves have these little glossy, silver-ish stripes ranging from back to forth. It produces star-shaped blooms in a cute vanilla hue that will surely create an impression on your visitors.

8. Hoya Burtoniae

Another small leaf hanging Hoya with absolutely perfectly shaped pointed leaves. You won’t see it flower very often, but when it does, it creates berry-like blooms.

9. Hoya Curtisii

Hoya Curtisii has very small, heart-shaped leaves sending out pointy tips. These leaves are often variegated, playing with colors.

10. Hoya Sunrise

Hoya Sunrise is a variegated small leaf hoya with small rounded leaves. Its foliage slowly shifts from green to dark red, which may look like a beautiful sunrise.

11. Hoya Brevialata Splash

I am obsessed with those leaves, which look like little pebbles. This variety can also flower, but once again, not very common.

12. Hoya Lacunosa

When I first saw the beautiful flowers of Hoya Lacunosa, I fell in love. They look like miniature fried eggs. I may be getting this one, too!

13. Hoya Mathilde

Hoya Mathildae looks like a miniature version of the most classical hoya. It also blooms with those classical white star-shaped flowers.

14. Hoya Engleriana

This tiny-leaf hoya comes from Thailand. It comes with small pointy leaves and adorable white blooms.

15. Hoya Rotundiflora

Hoya Rotundiflora is a lovely small hoya with fuzzy rounder leaves. Hoyas are a type of succulent plant, and this one has some prominent succulent characteristics. However, unlike many succulents, Hoya Rotundiflora can also produce delicate, star-shaped white blooms.

16. Hoya Elliptica

Hoya Elliptica is an uncommon variety with oblong green leaves and prominent veins. The leaves can get quite big in proportion to the rest of the plant, but it is still a very small plant suitable for any office or shelve.

17. Hoya Kanyakumariana

This variety easily gets to my list of favorite Hoyas. Hoya Kanyakumariana is a small plant from India with unique leaves that can take many different shapes. If you give it a good home, it will surprise you with beautiful white star-shaped flowers with dark centers.

18. Hoya Tengchongensis

Hoya Tengchongensis is probably one of the smallest hoyas you can get. It features really small, rounded leaves, and when it blooms, it will give you many small fragrant flowers with lime-like color.

19. Hoya Nummulariodes

Hoya Nummulariodes

Hoya Nummulariodes has perfectly shaped glossy leaves, sometimes even hidden behind white flowers with purple centers. We used to have this one at home, and those flowers smell heavenly!

20. Hoya Pallilimba

Let’s change the colors a bit with this small leaf hoya variety. Hoya Pallilimba comes with rounded leaves that not only bear the perfect light green color, but you will often also find them in purple. Once this variety blooms, it produces small purple flowers with a hint of yellow.

Bottom Line

I sincerely hope you’ve found a unique smaller leaf hoya that will take that spot next to you on your desk. I can’t wait to see it – send me a photo on Instagram.


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