Better Tactics Won’t Make Your Marriage Better

In a recent reading from Bob Goff’s devotional, he said as a kid he learned to wait till the teacher was at the chalkboard to pass notes. He said this was not learning better behaviour, but rather better tactics. 

Tell yourself the truth, have you done this in your marriage? Maybe I should ask when and where you have done this in your marriage!

Students watching teacher at blackboard

I can think of far too many times I did this. Actually changing or fixing where I was falling short seemed way too difficult, so I found a way to hide or distract from my failures. The rude way of doing this is going on the offensive, attacking one of her weaknesses when you blow it. Or trying to make our actions her fault.

Better tactics may keep us from having to discuss or deal with our poor behaviour and choices, but they do nothing to improve our relationship. How about we stop trying to get away with things, and do what we should to love and bless our wives?

BTW, Goff’s Live in Grace, Walk in Love: A 365-Day Journey is a great devotional, and you can easily pick it up at any point.

Image Credit: © Paul H Byerly via
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