FF: Start An Out of Town Fund

The last few days, Lori and I have been on a mini vacation. Because of Dave Ramsey, this is the shortest and lowest cost vacation we’ve had in a very long time. But it’s still a much-needed break – especially since we each just finished a total revamp of a website (mine for the day job, hers as a way of giving to a ministry we support).

I’m a big believer in the need to get away together. Even if you have to beg family and friends to take the kids, pack an ice chest, and drive 50 miles, you need to get away as a couple. If it seems you can never find the money for a vacation, start a get-out-of-town fund. Figure out what you would need for a few days, and divide by 52 (weeks in a year) or however often you want to get away, and start saving. Get a glass jar, and put in the necessary money each week, no matter what. Don’t raid the jar for anything short of life or death medical events or impending foreclosure or eviction. As you save, talk about where you will go and what you will do together. 

Cup of coffee and stack of coins

You can get to a vacation faster, or get a better buy for your money, by keeping an eye on websites that offer deals on hotels. If you can get time off mid-week, you can usually get better rates on flying, rental cars, and hotels. Weekdays may also be easier if your kids are in school.

If you drop the cost of a fancy coffee into the jar every other day, you’ll have enough for a decent three-night trip in far less than a year.

[This post first appeared Aug 03, 2012.]

A post worth reading:

Dr. Corey Carlisle | Emotional hibernation ◄ A good tool, if not overused.

Image Credit: © Paul H Byerly vis stockdreams.ai
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