FF: The Intersection of Margin and Kindness

I once tweeted*, “Ever notice kindness and busyness tend to be mutually exclusive? Are you too busy to be kind?

Traffic jam on freeway

Yes, this is another margin thing. Kindness is far easier when you have margin in your life. When you’re rushed, you don’t want to take the time, but when you have time to spare it’s easy to be loving, kind, and generous. This is true at work, in line at the store, in traffic, and in your marriage. Add some margin to your life, and I bet you will find yourself being a nicer person.

* Follow me on twitter (aka X) @themarriagebed

[This post first appeared Aug 08, 2012.]

A post worth reading:

Dr. Corey Carlisle | From insecurity to blessing ◄ Embrace where others are better than you

Image Credit: © Paul H Byerly vis stockdreams.ai
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