Following Jesus in Marriage: Behaving Rightly Despite Challenges

I often suggest that doing certain things has a good chance of resulting in your wife making a change you will like. This is basic human nature, and if it helps motivate you to do what you should, that’s great.

However, we need to do what’s right because it’s right. Even when it doesn’t result in the changes we want. And EVEN when it results in things we don’t like.

Jesus sitting with a man on his couch

If Jesus was there with you, how would He urge you to treat your wife when she’s not being what she should be?

If we’re following Jesus, then there is a clear right and wrong. Given we’re called to be decent to our enemies, how much more must be required with your wife? Her sins and slights aren’t irrelevant, but they in no way justify any sin or slight on your part. When she’s being horrible, you have to behave like a follower of Jesus, not the frustrated or angry man inside pushing for you to retaliate.

Image Credit: © Paul H Byerly created with 
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