How to improve children’s iron status through diet

Why do children — especially babies over the age of 6 months who have been breastfed — need to consume iron-rich foods? And which foods are the most helpful for maintaining healthy iron levels? Finding your best options can be tricky, because many everyday foods contain chemical compounds that actively interfere with iron absorption. Here is an overview of the problem, and an evidence-based guide for coming up with plan that fits your family’s lifestyle.

iron rich food display, including fish, seeds, nuts, beans, and vegetables

If your child has been diagnosed with an iron deficiency, it makes sense to examine his or her diet. But boosting iron levels isn’t just a matter of eating iron rich foods. Some foods contain iron, but they also contain compounds that decrease the body’s ability to absorb iron.

For instance, many grains, legumes, and vegetables contain phytates, chemical compounds which bind to iron.

Once bound together, these phytate-iron complexes can’t be digested by human enzymes in the gut — at least not if the pH of gut is in the neutral range. As a result, the iron you consume may end up passing through your body — unabsorbed (Petroski and Minich 2020).

In addition, tannins (found in tea, and in various fruits and vegetable foods) can inhibit iron absorption. So can certain proteins found in eggs.

So if we ask questions like, “Do eggs have iron?” or “Does spinach have iron?”, the short answer is yes. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that eggs and spinach the best dietary sources of iron.

Experiments and laboratory analyses indicate that the iron in these foods is rather poorly-absorbed (Gordon and Chow 1984; Insel et al 2004; Ishikawa et al 2007).

Then there is the problem of calcium and milk products.

Calcium competes with iron for absorption by the body (Insel et al 2004), so a calcium-rich meal can temporarily block iron absorption (Lönnerdal 2010).

And the effect may be amplified if a child consumes cow’s milk. In addition to calcium, cow’s milk contains a protein called alpha-casein that has an inhibitory effect on iron absorption (Kibangou et al 2005).

This may explain, at least in part, a well-known risk factor for iron deficiency in children: Kids who consume lots of cow’s milk are more likely to suffer from an iron deficiency (Uijterschout et al 2014; Gunnarson et al 2007; Hallberg 1998).

For example, in a study of Canadian children, toddlers were more likely to suffer from an iron deficiency if they were in the habit of consuming more than two cups of cow’s milk per day (Cox et al 2016).

What about young infants? They begin life on a diet of milk. How can babies avoid iron deficiency?

Babies are born with iron stores that help keep them remain iron-sufficient during the first few months postpartum. And breast milk — despite its calcium content — is actually a good source of iron for infants. Although breast milk contains relatively low concentrations of iron (about 0.35 mg/L), it doesn’t contain alpha casein.

Moreover, the iron in human breast milk comes in a form that is highly bioavailable, or easily-absorbed. In fact, researchers estimate that babies may be able to absorb anywhere from 45-100% of the iron in their breast milk (Qasem and Friel 2015).

However, by the time breastfed infants are 6 months old, their iron stores may be depleted. And the amount of iron they are getting from breast milk isn’t sufficient to keep up.

So researchers recommend that these babies begin consuming supplemental foods that are rich in iron (Qasem and Friel 2015; Chen et al 2020; Chouraqui 2022). 

Are there any foods or nutrients that enhance iron absorption?

Yes. Vitamin C and “meat factor” (found in red meat, salmon, and other animal muscle proteins) help the body absorb iron and counteract the effects phytates.

In one study, adding 63 mg of vitamin C to a grain-based, iron-rich meal boosted iron absorption by almost 300% (Fidler et al 2009).

So what’s a good dietary strategy for boosting iron levels?

  • Avoid the consumption of high levels of calcium (>40 mg) during meals that are intended to boost iron levels.
  • Avoid other iron absorption inhibitors, like peppermint, chamomile, tea, and coffee.
  • Encourage your child to consume iron-rich foods in combination with sources of vitamin C (like citrus fruits, peaches, papayas, sweet red peppers, berries, broccoli, and peas).

What kinds of iron-rich foods are appropriate for babies and toddlers?

For babies who are just beginning to eat solids, there are many options you can serve up as purées.

Puréed meats are rich in iron. Infants can also obtain some iron from non-meat sources — including mashed tofu, puréed green beans, strained peas, and puréed sweet potato.

In addition, iron-fortified cereals (designed specifically for young infants) can play a crucial role for getting sufficient iron in the diet.

In a study of hundreds of babies living in the United States, researchers found that “almost all 96% of the breastfed infants who did not consume infant cereal had inadequate iron intakes” (Finn et al 2022).

As your child gets older, you can introduce more textured foods, but you will still need to be mindful of choking hazards.

For example, as I note in a table below, dried fruits are good sources of iron. But they should be avoided by babies and young toddlers, because can get stuck in a child’s throat. For an evidence-based discussion of how to introduce solids to babies, see this Parenting Science article.

What about meat? Do we have to eat meat to avoid iron deficiency?

Not if you are careful to get iron from other sources. But it’s worth noting that some families who avoid red meat may find it more difficult to maintain target iron levels.

For instance, in a study of more than 250 Israeli children, researchers found that kids who ate red meat rarely had a fourfold increased risk of being iron deficient (Moshe et al 2013). If you have concerns about iron deficiency and red meat isn’t on your menu, you may want to take special note of these evidence-based tips for overcoming the problem.

Which foods are especially rich in iron? How do different foods compare?

There are two classes of iron rich foods. Foods that contain heme iron, and foods that contain non-heme iron. Let’s take a closer look.

Iron rich foods: Sources of heme iron

Heme iron is the form of iron most easily absorbed by the body. It is found in animal muscle tissue. Here are some specific examples, as rated by the USDA Nutrient Database (2018).

Meat-based sources of heme iron

PortionIron (mg)
Oysters, eastern, farmed, raw3 oz4.91
Beef, ground, 90% lean meat, grilled3 oz2.3
Turkey, ground, 93% lean meat, pan-broiled3 oz1.33
Tuna, white, canned in oil3 oz0.55
Chicken, dark meat, thigh4 oz0.68
Salmon, coho, wild, cooked3 oz0.6

Iron rich foods: Sources of nonheme iron

Nonheme iron is found in plant foods, as well as in meat and eggs. Compared with heme iron, nonheme iron is much less efficiently absorbed.

Moreover, many sources of nonheme iron also contain phytates, which greatly reduce bioavailability. If you want to absorb significant quantities of nonheme iron, it’s especially important to combine it with vitamin C or meat. Again, see my article on iron absorption for more information.

I’ve created several charts with examples of nonheme, iron-rich foods. They are compiled from information provided by the USDA’s Food Data Central and accessed on January 16, 2024.

In this first chart, I highlight legumes — lentils, beas, and peas — and foods derived from them (e.g., tofu). Be aware that unprocessed legumes pose a choking hazard to babies. You’ll want to mash them.

Tip for reducing phytates in these foods: Research suggests we can reduce phytate levels by cooking them for one hour at 95 degrees Celsius or 205 degrees Farenheit (Petroski and Minich 2020).

In addition, studies indicate that the regular consumption of fermentable fibers lowers the pH of the caecum, which can make it easier to absorb iron. Beans typically contain lots of fermentable fibers, so if you make a habit of eating beans, your body may absorb nonheme iron more efficiently (Petroski  and Minich 2020).

Legume sources of non-heme iron

PortionIron (mg)
Lentils, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt1 cup / 198 g6.59
Soybeans, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt1 cup / 180 g4.5
Tempeh1 cup / 166 g4.48
Black beans, cooked, boiled, without salt1 cup / 172 g3.61
Tofu, raw, firm, prepared with calcium sulfate1/2 cup / 126 g3.35
Hummus, commercial100 g2.41
Kidney beans, red, canned, drained, sugar and salt added100 g1.44
Green peas, canned, drained, sugar and salt added100 g1.14
Garbanzo beans (chickpeas), canned, drained100 g1.04

In this second chart, I highlight the nonheme iron content in some nuts, seeds, and grains. Once again, be mindful of choking hazards. Babies and younger toddlers shouldn’t consume nuts or seeds. And note that some children are allergic to tree nuts and/or peanuts, so you should consult your pediatrician about what foods are appropriate for your child.

Iron content in nuts, seeds, and grains

PortionIron (mg)
Pumpkin seeds, raw100 g8.36
Oats, whole grain, rolled, old-fashioned100 g8.34
Sunflower seed kernals, dry roasted, salted100 g5.21
Almonds, whole, dry roasted, salted100 g3.17
Quinoa, cooked100 g1.49
Rice, white, long grain, enriched, cooked100 g1.2
Rice, brown, long grain, regular, not enriched, cooked100 g0.56

Finally, here are two charts highlighting a few fruits and vegetables. As always, be aware of choking hazards for babies and young toddlers. Dried fruits, for example, can get stuck in a child’s throat.

Non-heme iron in select fruits

PortionIron (mg)
Dried apricots1 cup / 160 g4.26
Raisins, dark, seedless, packed1 cup/ 165 g2.95
Dried prunes1 cup / 160 g1.49
Tomatoes, canned, red, ripe, diced1 cup / 245 g1.4
Avocado, raw, mashed or pureed1 cup / 230 g1.26
Banana, raw and sliced1 cup / 150 g0.39
Non-heme iron in select vegetables
PortionIron (mg)
Spinach, raw100 g2.71
Green beans (string beans), fresh, cooked100 g1.07
Asparagus, cooked, boiled, drained100 g0.91
Beets, cooked, boiled, drained100 g0.79
Broccoli, fresh, cooked100 g0.76
Sweet potato, cooked, boiled, without skin100 g0.72
Mushrooms, white, raw100 g0.5

These tables represent only a small sampling of foods. For a more extensive listing of iron rich foods, check out the USDA Nutrient Database for yourself, at the links above.

References: Iron-rich foods

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Chen CM, Mu SC, Shih CK, Chen YL, Tsai LY, Kuo YT, Cheong IM, Chang ML, Chen YC, Li SC. 2020. Iron Status of Infants in the First Year of Life in Northern Taiwan. Nutrients. 12(1):139.

Chouraqui JP. 2022. Dietary Approaches to Iron Deficiency Prevention in Childhood-A Critical Public Health Issue. Nutrients. 14(8):1604.

Cox KA, Parkin PC, Anderson LN, Chen Y, Birken CS, Maguire JL, Macarthur C, Borkhoff CM. 2016. Association Between Meat and Meat-Alternative Consumption and Iron Stores in Early Childhood. TARGet Kids! Collaboration. Acad Pediatr. 16(8):783-791.

Fidler MC, Davidsson L, Zeder C, and Hurrell RF. 2004. Erythorbic acid is a potent enhancer of nonheme-iron absorption. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 Jan;79(1):99-102.

Finn K, Quick S, Anater A, Hampton J, Kineman B, and Klish W. 2022. Breastfed and mixed fed infants who do not consume infant cereal are at risk for inadequate iron intake:data from the feeding infants and toddlers study 2016, a cross-sectional survey. BMC Pediatr. 22(1):219.

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image of iron rich foods by shutterstock / photka

Content last modified 1/2024. Includes text derived from earlier versions of the same article, written by the same author.


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