How To Take Care Of Your Hair In Summers?

Mommies! Are you tired of dull-looking hair? Wondering how to take care of your hair in summers? Want healthy and shiny tresses that can beat the heat out of summer? Then, take a look at 4 quick and really effective hair care tips to follow this season!

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The summer season is about indulging in mangoes, ice teas, ice creams and organizing pool parties for our kids. Summertime is also about dropping and picking up our kids from summer camps and workshops. Managing the house, a family and taking care of all the household chores keep a mother so busy that she forgets to take care of herself. Her skin and hair are the most neglected aspects of her life.

Follow these really simple steps for healthy and shiny tresses

TCT has brought some really effective hair care tips for busy moms.

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1. Sun protection

Just like your skin needs protection from the sun’s harmful rays, so does your hair. Daily activities like running errands and grocery shopping expose your hair to UV rays, causing damage. UV rays can lead to dryness, resulting in dull-looking hair. Safeguard your locks by using hair care products with UV filters. These protective options come in various forms, including hair masks, sprays, and creams. Additionally, consider covering your hair with a scarf when spending extended periods outdoors. Alternatively, use an umbrella or summer hat for added protection.

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2. Deep condition your hair

Sun exposure can lead to dry, frizzy hair. The solution? Deep conditioning! This is the ultimate and most effective treatment for your summer hair care routine. While frequent washing isn’t harmful, skipping conditioner after shampooing is. The key is to maintain moisture and hydration after washing. Instead of shampooing too often, consider applying conditioner directly to wet hair, rinsing, and then using a leave-in conditioner. For those who prefer natural remedies, homemade conditioners are a great option. Here’s a fantastic tip: Apply a yogurt paste to your hair before washing for deeply conditioned locks! Remember to rinse thoroughly with shampoo afterward.

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3. Frequent trimming

Moms, I understand you’ll freak out if you have to do regular hair trimming, but it’s essential. Don’t you want to eliminate split ends and severely damaged hair? I’m not suggesting a drastic cut, but why not consider a stylish pixie cut if it suits you? Either way, self-care is crucial, so why not treat yourself to an hour of relaxation at the hair salon? Husbands, you can handle the kids for at least that hour!

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4. Beat summer frizz

During summer, the humid air can result in severe frizziness in your hair. Combat this issue by applying a drop or two of anti-frizz serum, leaving your hair smoother and shinier. Simply apply the serum after washing your hair or dampen it before heading outdoors, then gently rub a few drops onto your locks.

Image source: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05


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