Kids Art Storage Ideas – Toddler Approved

How do you display art?

There are so many easy ways to display art. In our house we keep it super simple. We use some push pins, twine, and clothespins. If you want to get fancy, you could use nails.

This simple art display spot is the first step in de-cluttering art in our home. There are around 15 clothespins on the art wall. Once the art wall is full, no more art can go up on it until some art is removed.

Kids may add a new piece of art up if they want to remove one.

Each month/season, we remove all the art from the art wall and decide what art we want to keep and what art can be recycled, photographed, etc. Keep reading for more details on how we decide what art to keep.

How do you decide what art to keep?

When it’s time to sort through art and de-clutter a bit, I get started by making five piles.

  1. Keepsake art (Self-portraits, handprint art, first day of school, first story, items I might frame or put in a book)
  2. Art my child really wants to keep
  3. Art projects to photograph
  4. Art projects to recycle
  5. Art projects/pieces to trash (can’t be recycled due to types of materials)

Some people add a 6th pile for gifting. I’ve never gifted art since my kid’s grandparents and friends aren’t paper collectors and have enough of their own art clutter.

De-cluttering Kids Art Tips

  • Choose how much space you want kid’s art to take up and then create boundaries around that space. Once that space is full, you’ll need to remove some art in order to add more.
  • Pick the most important pieces to keep and say goodbye to the others.
  • If you can’t make a decision on a piece of artwork now, keep it and then re-look at it in a month. Time makes it easier to say goodbye.
  • Younger toddlers and preschoolers may want to keep all their art. Give them a number of art pieces that they can keep to make it a more concrete decision. If they can’t make that decision, you can make it for them.

If every piece of kid art is important, then no art is really important. Pick the most important pieces and let go of the others. You can always take a photo.


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