Knowledge vs. Experience in Marriage: Practical Application Matters

Lori and I regularly watch Living Traditions Homestead on YouTube. Aside from giving us information we can use, they are a lovely Christian couple who love each other and have a plan. In a recent video, they were talking abut the difference between knowledge and experience. If you watch hundreds of videos on gardening or raising animals, you have a lot of knowledge. But when you try to put that knowledge to work, you find out that knowing is not enough. Practical experience is necessary to do gardening or raising chickens well. You can only get experience by doing. And by making mistakes.

A trail sign with arrows for knowledge and experience

Marriage is the same way. You can read all the books and follow all the blogs, and have a great deal of knowledge. But you will have to apply that knowledge to get practical experience. And there will be mistakes.

One great way to get experience is by doing something new with someone who knows how to do it. That is true for gardening or marriage. This is why I suggest getting together with a couple who seem to have their marriage working well. It’s also why coaching can be helpful.

I’m all for chasing knowledge, but that’s not enough. Even if you’ve been married for years and have a great thing going, there will be times when something new comes up. A book and some trial and error might be all you need, but it takes work, and there will be things that don’t work.

Image Credit: © Paul H Byerly created with
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