Love Your Wife in Little Ways Every Day

So we spent almost two weeks with a couple we’ve known for nearly thirty years, staying at their home. They took some time off from work, but had to work some days. They both work from home, so we got to see a lot of them interacting.

Man Loading Dishwasher In Kitchen

I heard him more than once ask her if she wanted something to drink when he went to the garage fridge where drinks are kept. He was emptying the dishwasher, which is her task. She offered to do it, and he said it was fine. She likewise did or offered to do some things that were normally his job. When we went places by car, they both sat in front, as they always do. She usually makes a latte for him, but she was making them for us, so he did his own most of the time.

In short, they were kind to each other all the time in many little ways. And those little things add up. They become a massive body of care and love. They carry a couple through difficult times, and make good times better.

I was thrilled to see my friends loving each other well, and to both hear and see that they have a great marriage that blesses both of them.

In what little ways could you better love your wife?

Image Credit: © highwaystarz |
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