Move from Enough to Generous in Your Marriage

Enough ≠ Generosity

This blog is not about being enough, it’s about being generous.  

Let’s get a definition:

(of a person) showing a readiness to give more of something than is strictly necessary or expected.

More than is necessary or expected. Bingo. 

Making cappuccino, with coffee overflowing the cup.

I have been asked many, many times about the minimum a husband or wife must provide to their spouse. The question always makes me sad, became it shows a stingy heart, and you can’t build a good marriage on stingy.

I realise there is some value to knowing the minimum so you can be sure to not fall below that. But here’s the thing. If you are getting the bare minimum of something, there is no wiggle room. If you’re giving your wife just enough and something keeps you from doing that for a few days, your wife will feel unloved, uncared for, or unappreciated.  But when you’re generous, your wife has extra, and a short term drop in what you do won’t be a problem.

And of course, generosity tends to inspire generosity. And being stingy inspires stinginess. Which do you want to sow into your marriage?

Image Credit: © Sudarshana |
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