New ‘Free Gift’ Scam on Facebook –

FREE stuff isn’t always free.

If you see an offer for a FREE item on Facebook groups, beware. 

There is a new scam where FREE items are offered on Facebook Groups. An alternative to this would be to offer a high-value item at a heavily discounted price. This is how it works.

The Offer: FREE Item or low-value item

The scammer will post a giveaway. The item could be free or offered at a generous discount. They will usually post a ‘moving’ story on why they do not want the item anymore. The storyline may differ, but it is similar in context.

It is usually about a scammer who enjoyed the item and no longer needs it. Thus, they would like to give it away. Those interested are to self-collect at a specific location (this gives the readers some sort of legitimacy). These giveaways range from laptops to hotel stays to plane tickets.

Usually, these are singular items, which differs from an older scam that lists several items at a discount with the need to sell due to ‘relocation.’

The Scam

Once you respond to the message, the scammer will provide you an address to collect. But before that, in order to secure the unit, you have to pay a sum to reserve. This sum could be a small token fee of $15. Once you paid, you will likely never hear from the scammer.

If you decide not to pay, the scammer will threaten to sue you under ‘Section 420 of the Penal Code’. The scammer contends that the interested party had acquired payment information via deceitful means, such as coercing a seller to disclose their banking details under the guise of making a purchase without intention to follow through. 

When the threat fails, they will add that unauthorized transactions have been made to the account, and a letter of demand will be sent to the interested party. This might put some folks in fear and thus follow their instructions to transfer the funds. 

While the threat may sound legit, the actual penal code is as follows

Offence of Cheating under sec 420 of the Penal Code (Cap. 224, 2008 Rev Ed)

A person cheats when he deceives any person and dishonestly induces that person he deceived to deliver any property or cause damage or harm to any person in body, mind, reputation or property.

Whoever cheats shall be punished with up to 3 years’ imprisonment, or with fine, or with both.

Whoever cheats and thereby dishonestly induces the deceived person to deliver or allow the delivery of property to any person, shall be punished with up to 10 years’ imprisonment and fined.

This is NOT the same as what the scammer threatened. When you get a similar message, just block and ignore it. It is best not to engage with the scammer, no matter how enticing the offer may be.

How to spot a scam

1) The scammer will take off commenting on the post.

2) Go to the scammer profile; it is usually empty, with little or no friends. You can also see that the scammers posting other FREE items on the same Facebook groups

3) Look out for similar posts on different Facebook groups under names using the same photos

4) Asking for deposit for free items or before collection

Just remember, when it is too good to be true, it is often the other way around!


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