The Pitfall of Familiarity – The Generous Husband

More thoughts on being short or snippy with your wife. The suggestion that familiarity breeds contempt seems to have been around for almost 2,000 years. Why is this so? Some suggest it’s because we’ve seen all a person’s bad qualities and have thus lost respect for them. But this is certainly not how I feel about my wife.

A wife walking away upset.

When Lori and I discussed this on the way to church the other day, we felt it was more about thinking your spouse will let you get away with it. Do such a thing to friends very often, and they will stop wanting to be around you. But your spouse is committed, and won’t ditch you over snippy.

Being rude to my wife because I know she’ll put up with it is horrible! I don’t want to be that person.

What about you?

Image Credit: © Paul H Byerly created with
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