The Root of Divorce: Confronting Selfishness in Marriage

There is one simple cause of virtually all divorces: selfishness.

We are selfish creatures, every last one of us. Our selfishness causes us to focus too much on our wife’s selfishness, and not enough on our selfishness. And she does the same in reverse.

A man with "selfish" written on his forehead

You can and should let your wife know when you think she is being selfish. Be gentle, and assume you don’t have the full picture. Mention one thing or a couple of closely related issues. Don’t pile on!

Dealing with your own selfishness is no fun, but it’s a sure way to improve your marriage. If you want to get really crazy, ask your wife where your selfishness hurts or frustrates her, then work on that!

Image Credit: © Paul H Byerly created with
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