Unraveling the Mystery: Understanding Her Sexuality

I recently told the ladies over on The XY Code that Men Don’t “Get” Women’s Sexual Dynamics. How could we? We don’t have female sex organs, we don’t have a female brain, and we didn’t grow up being told how women are “supposed” to act and feel about sex.

In days gone by, everyone understood that men and women were different. So while men didn’t get female sexuality, they at least knew they didn’t get it. But today we have a lot of voices telling us men and women aren’t really different, even sexually. So we still don’t get her sexuality, but we may not know we don’t get it. Add to that the lies from porn and the misinformation from those denying gender differences, and it’s a big mess.

Couple in bed, the husband looking confused.

Over the next few Saturdays, I’m going to run some classic content that addresses these issues. I hit on these things regularly, and it’s been awhile since I’ve covered most of them. As women are individuals, there are exceptions to most of what I will say. But all of these things fall strongly along gender lines, so please give them some consideration.

If you and your wife can talk about sex, I suggest you discuss these posts with her. If you do that, be aware your wife has heard the same lies you have, and may be trying to live something that is not really her.

Image Credit: © Paul H Byerly created with stockdreams.ai
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