When You Just KNOW it Can Be Better

Recently, in the comments, someone asked me about my motivation to make changes that lead to improving my marriage. That’s an interesting story…

I grew up with parents who loved each other, didn’t fight, stayed together, and had a better than average marriage. However, it wasn’t a great marriage. Honestly, I can’t say I ever saw a great marriage growing up, but I was convinced there was something far better than I had ever seen. I didn’t believe it, I knew it. I knew it beyond any doubt, and I was determined to do whatever it took to have that kind of marriage. I married a lady who didn’t share my confidence in what could be, but did share my drive to do everything possible to make it as good as possible. It wasn’t easy, but it was certainly worth it! Today we have a fantastic marriage, and it just keeps getting better.

Couple kissing while fireworks explode in the background.

Why was I so sure a couple could have an awesome marriage when I’d never seen it? I can only blame God; I think He put it in my heart. When and how it happened I can’t say, but I certainly knew it by the age of eighteen. As for why God put it in my heart, I think it was about more than Lori and I having a good marriage. It’s no small part of why I do what I do here and in other places around the Interweb.

My encouragement to you is this: when it comes to marriage, there’s more than you’ve seen, and more than you’ve been told. It’s not easy, but you can have an incredible marriage, and it’s well worth the effort. I pray the Lord will put the truth deep in your heart and give you the faith to seek it. In the Old Testament, the Lord likens His relationship with His chosen people to that of husband and wife. Jesus calls the Church His bride. Paul also speaks of marriage as an earthy example of what we will have with God. I realise all analogies eventually fail, but surely, God intended human marriages to be a far better example of what we have with Him than most of what we see today. 

[This post first appeared July 29, 2012.]

Image Credit: ©  Paul H Byerly via stockdreams.ai
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