Embroidered Picnic Blanket DIY » Lovely Indeed

Picnic season calls for bright colors and good vibes! Try this picnic blanket DIY and create a family heirloom that you can use over and over.

DIY Giant Embroidery Picnic Blanket

There’s this magical thing that happens in the summer where we live.

It’s called Concert in the Park, and once a week for six weeks the community puts together a concert band and the band plays onstage at a park in our neighborhood.

Everybody who’s not in the band comes to watch and have picnics. And let me tell you, the picnic game is fierce.

DIY Giant Embroidery Picnic Blanket

You have to go the night before and set out your blanket if you want a spot or it’ll all be taken up. People bring out their best gear — I’m talking white tablecloths on picnic tables, candles lit, the whole shebang.

I like to keep it simple but I did want to fancy up a picnic blanket this year, mostly so we would be able to recognize it in the sea of blankets.

So clearly some oversized embroidery was in order!

Psst — before you get the tutorial, be sure to sign up below for my VIP group. I send these folks my very best DIYs, ideas, and hacks!

DIY Giant Embroidery Picnic Blanket

Supplies You’ll Need

I love this project because you can use a blanket you’ve already got, or pick up something new.

There are so many ways to customize the picnic blanket DIY, from color to pattern to the font you use in your embroidery. Here’s what you’ll need!

Blanket. If you like the pink and white vibe, here’s a very similar blanket that I love! But you can also upcycle something you already have to save some money. Or find great blanket options at places like Home Goods or TJMaxx.

Yarn. I like a vibrant color and a thicker weight for this project. A thin yarn will take longer to make and won’t read as well. Here’s a nice weighted yarn that would work perfectly.

Large sewing needle. You’ll need a large-eye needle meant for sewing yarn or knitting projects. This is a great set to add to you craft supplies.

Scissors. I’ve been using Fiskars since my mom and grandma started me crafting as a kid. You can’t beat them for textile projects.

Colored chalk. Use what you have! This is just for sketching out the words on the blanket.

DIY Giant Embroidery Picnic Blanket

DIYs with Yarn

I love working with yarn in unexpected ways, like this picnic blanket DIY!

If you have some extra yarn laying around after you’re done with the blanket, you could use it to make a super cool woven wreath, or even try your hand at making some pom poms.

Yarn is a really satisfying medium to work with because it helps projects come together quickly, especially a heftier weight like we’re using here.

How to Embroider a Picnic Blanket

DIY Giant Embroidery Picnic Blanket
  1. Sketch out your design on the blanket using the colored chalk. Be sure you make a mark dark enough to remain visible.
  2. Thread your needle with the yarn, tying a knot at the end. Begin embroidering at the end of your first word, using a split stitch. This diagram is better than I could ever create — check it out if you don’t know a split stitch! If you run out of yarn, tie a hidden knot behind the blanket and thread your needle with a new piece. Knot it to your old piece and continue your split stitch.
  3. When you’ve embroidered your whole design, knot your yarn firmly at the back of the blanket and snip the ends.
DIY Giant Embroidery Picnic Blanket

More Picnic Ideas

I love this blanket! We’ve started keeping it in our car just in case — ya know, for picnic emergencies.

And when we’re toting stuff to and from the park, that basket with leather handles has been the perfect carry-all.

We also have a picnic basket DIY that I love – it’s easy but makes a really cool gift for newlyweds or a family. Be sure to check that one out too. Happy making! xoxo

DIY Giant Embroidery Picnic Blanket
DIY Giant Embroidery Picnic Blanket

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  • Blanket
  • Heavy weight yarn
  • Large eye sewing needle
  • Colored chalk


  1. Sketch out your design on the blanket using the colored chalk. Be sure you make a mark dark enough to remain visible.
  2. Thread your needle with the yarn, tying a knot at the end. Begin embroidering at the end of your first word, using a split stitch. This diagram is better than I could ever create — check it out if you don’t know a split stitch! If you run out of yarn, tie a hidden knot behind the blanket and thread your needle with a new piece. Knot it to your old piece and continue your split stitch.
  3. When you’ve embroidered your whole design, knot your yarn firmly at the back of the blanket and snip the ends.


I love working with yarn in unexpected ways, like this picnic blanket DIY!

If you have some extra yarn laying around after you’re done with the blanket, you could use it to make a super cool woven wreath, or even try your hand at making some pom poms.

Yarn is a really satisfying medium to work with because it helps projects come together quickly, especially a heftier weight like we’re using here.


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