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I recently tossed this marriage tip out on the social media platform formerly known was Twitter:
Mercy talking and mercy date nights are as good for her as mercy sex is for you. #MarriageTip
If something is important to your wife, doing it under duress, complaining about it, or being grumpy as you do it are a good way to make her sorry it happened. Of course, that’s probably your intention; make it so miserable for her, she won’t want to do it again. Before you tell yourself that’s not why you do what you do, check to see if you’re being honest with yourself.
The next time to do something “just for her” go out of your way to be engaged. Make it as good for her as you can, and don’t complain. Treat it the way you would like her to treat having sex just for you.
Image Credit: © Paul H Byerly created with stockdreams.ai ||
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