Talking traveller health and wellbeing with CTM

How do you maintain your mental wellbeing and a healthy diet during your travels?

Kate Suddards – CTM Sport Business Development Director (EMEA)
“I have always been a big fan of ginger shots for my immunity and enjoy fresh fruit with yogurt for breakfast. Exploring the local cuisine of the destination brings me joy, and that is a big tick for my mental health. Additionally, I always prioritise fresh air and outdoor activities to help me escape screen time and enhance the travel experience.”

Stephy Chan – CTM Marketing Manager (Asia)
“I like to chill out at a café with good coffee and my favourite book. It is good for the soul. Staying well-hydrated remains a top priority throughout the day, and when time differences disrupt my appetite, I turn to nourishing soups. It’s a way to ensure my body receives the sustenance it needs, no matter where my journey takes me.”

Mary Ellen Hess – CTM Executive Vice President, Business Development (North America)
“I always make sure I have my smartwatch on to track and keep me honest with physical activity, whether that be walking through the airport instead of using the travelators, walk and talk meetings or anything that gets my body moving. I reset my goals each week and this ensures not only my physical wellbeing is in check, but my mental health is nurtured as well.”

Chris Rose
“Keeping a balanced diet is such an important part of ensuring my mind is healthy and happy. Whilst the buffet breakfast and pub dinner are tempting when travelling away from home, I try to keep things healthier and light… or at least for the first few days. Where possible, I like to stay at a hotel that has an onsite gym to stay active and keep a similar routine to that of home.”

Traveller health & wellbeing tips


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