I found this really old picture of our dining room area from when the kids were little. When we first moved in, I was into drama we had turned the eat in area into a Moody Red Dining Room. I take that back, at first it ended up being a berry pink color, and after a trip back to the paint store we ended up with this moody, deep burgundy red color. It was the early 2000’s so I went all out Tuscany-inspired style too.

Somewhere in the craziness we were over the red and I embraced that Tuscan look even more with GLAZE on the walls. Venetian Plaster was a big thing too. My mural business started around this time and I had painted a scene like a window on our wall as murals were having their moment like large scale wallpaper is now. Then the chaos ensued for a few years in my home as you can tell by the way my kids are wearing McDonald’s happy meal boxes on their heads for no apparent reason. I look at my decorating and cringe now, but at the time I LOVED that swagged drapery. LOVED it.
Once the kids grew big enough that I could actually take a breath, it was time for a total overhaul including moving the table and changing the entire scheme!
We added adding the board and batten trim and lightening the color, it made the entire room look brighter and more interesting, not to mention not so prison-like with less clutter.
By creating a kitchen nook area, it opened up the whole space from having it smack dab in the middle. It has gone back and forth several times now.

It made me so happier at the time to have a lighter and brighter space. As the kids got bigger, it needed another overhaul. I really love that chart and the fun color scheme that went with it as the table moved to the other side!

It has been through a bunch of changes over the years, I had even moved a faux fireplace mantel in their at one time.

It looks much different today! Flash forward about 1o years and today we are back at dark and moody, but a little different. We are back to the dining nook area, bit with a more modern-retro style from the earlier cottage feel. I love how it’s all circling back around again, but this time with a natural feel.

I also have embraced dark with the wall color and have a deep moody green on the old board and batten wall paneling. I love how it kind of had that dark academia, moody library like feel. It’s very fitting since i love both books and the library.

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